Absolute Agility
Recreational Facility





A Tribute to Bijou Rouge
September 11, 1996 - March 25, 2008


Sadly, Conrad and I had to say goodbye to our dear friend, Bijou.  At 11-1/2 years old, her life had been lived to the fullest.  She was an extraordinary dog - loyal, friendly, intelligent, patient and beautiful.  She was our shoe collector, our guard dog (always ready to defend us against the Watchtower distributors), and our puppy-sitter, playing endless games with Meg, and more recently, Joker.  We miss her greatly, but it’s comforting to know that she is now pain free, chewing sticks (her fav) and romping in a grassy field in heaven.  We still have every toy she ever played with - she left them all behind for her new friend Joker.  I know that he misses her as well.  Farewell, my gentle giant.  Thanks for being such a wonderful part of our lives.
                                                                       - Kathryn Nield