Absolute Agility
Recreational Facility


It is with the greatest sadness that I share with you the passing
of my amazing Dalmatian APACHE.
At almost 13 years of age her time had come
and with Paul and I by her side until the very end,
 she went to sleep for the last time. 
She came back home with us and is buried by our Weeping Willow Trees to be remembered always.  It was her favorite place to be.
           Words can't even describe how much this incredible dog meant
 to me and my family.
She was such a fabulous advocate for Dalmatians that have been classed as
           an 'aggressive' breed of dog. She was the kindest and most sweet natured dog I have ever had the privilege to have in my life.

           She started competing in agility very late in her life at the age of 11. IT was 1 year and one day from her first trial to her receiving her VMADC title. She received the Veteran Masters Jumper title at her retirement trial in June of 2005 at the All Dogs Sports Club in North Gower, On.

           She qualified for Nationals her first year competing
and even made it on TOP DOGS for the Special /Veterans show
they did for Nationals held in Montreal.
           She was a rescue a dog that we received at the age of 4. She had no confidence and was so afraid of people. What an amazing journey her life had become. The stories she will have to tell all her doggy friends as she waits for me at the Rainbow Bridge.
Where someday we will be doing Jump, Jump, Tunnel again.

           Sadly missed and Dearly loved ... My little Apache Girl

           Jennifer, Paul, Logan and Mason

           Also missed by her doggy friends at home Fredericka and Angelina.
Sleep well my girl and no more pain ...